
My domain relates to data science in the large health sector. I have a strong interests and background in medical data warehouses, semantics, data quality and interoperability in healthcare generated data reuse for public health (epidemiology and surveillance systems).

I am associated to the Inserm LIMICS (Medical Informatics and Knowledge Engineering Lab) lab for my research in the e-health domain.

My main area of expertise deals with semantic interoperability healthcare data, which covers a wide area and includes particularly the problems associated with the exchange of medical information (in the broad sense) between the medical computer systems. Technical themes typically associated with these areas are ontologies, semantic mediation architectures, clinical data warehouses, data quality in the web of data.

French expert for medical coding and rare diseases, I am often appointed as consultant, such as in the european project ASSESS-CT.

I am a member of the french temporary scientific committee of the SNOMED-CT national project.

I was co-editor of the clinical research informatics section of the IMIA yearbook of medical informatics (2012-2017). I participate to various expertise for ANR and as a reviewer for various journals and conferences such as MEDINFO or AMIA.

I have participated in the working groups of various national initiatives in France such as the new France Genomic 2025 plan as well as the Big Data consultation group.

I participated into a FP7-IP project named DebugIT as co-leader of the interoperability platform work package during my Ph.D. degree defining innovative solutions for healthcare data interoperability that were then valorized by Agfa Healthcare.


    • e-health strategy
    • Public health
    • Semantic interoperability and big data
    • Rare diseases and genetic data
    • Health data privacy

    Expertise and Review

    • 2022
      European Comission
      Expert evaluator for Horizon call on health data synthetic and secured platforms
    • 2021
      European Comission
      Expert reviewer for Horizon Call on shared health data platforms
    • 2022
      OncoDataHub - National Oncology RWD platform
      Member of the strategic committee
    • 2021
      Health Data hub - Plateforme Nationale des Données de Santé
      Member of the scientific council
    • 2018
      Healthcare Data Institute
      Président du comité d'innovation
    • 2016
      The 2025 Genomic Medicin French Plan
      Expert group member
    • 2016
      French Big Data for Healthcare Initiative
      Expert group member
    • 2015
      Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases
    • 2013-2017
      IMIA yearbook of medical informatics
      Section editor of Clinical Research Informatics
    • 2015
      IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
    • 2013-2015
      Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (ANR)
      Expert pour appels blancs et défis pour la santé
    • 2015
      Computer in Biology and Medicine

    Main projects